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  • Synthetic Whalebone | 4.5mm

    • Inspired by historical materials, our Synthetic “Whalebone” is a modern alternative to traditional baleen, the keratin-based material once harvested from baleen whales and widely used in 18th- and 19th-century stays and corsets. Designed specifically for the corsetry market and manufactured in Germany, this high-quality synthetic boning mimics the strength, flexibility, and moldability of authentic whalebone more closely than typical plastic boning.

      At 4.5mm wide (just under 3/16”), this boning is slightly narrower than the common 6mm size, making it ideal for finer, more detailed work or lightweight historical reproductions. It can be gently shaped with a hot iron, allowing for custom curves and historical accuracy in shaping.

      Perfect for use in:

      Early to late 18th-century stays
      19th-century corsetry
      Early 20th-century structured garments

      Whether you’re working on historical costuming, theatrical wardrobe, or modern corsetry, our 4.5mm Synthetic “Whalebone” offers excellent versatility and authenticity.